Singing Guide: Burak Yeter

Singing Guide: Burak Yeter

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Burak Yeter, you need to understand that his unique vocal technique combines traditional Turkish music with contemporary pop and house elements. He often uses a characteristic vocal affect, incorporating vocal fry and falsetto.

To start with, use the vocal range test tool to determine your range and compare it with Yeter's. This will help you understand which songs would be suitable for your vocal range.

Yeter's most popular song, "Tuesday," showcases his unique style and vocal technique. You can use this song as a starting point to learn how to sing like him. But before you start singing, make sure you warm up properly. Consider using the Farinelli breathing video exercise to improve your breath control and support.

When singing like Yeter, it is important to master vocal fry and falsetto techniques. You can use the twang exercise video to help you develop these techniques.

Another essential element of Yeter's style is his use of electronic effects and beats. To incorporate this into your singing, use the Pitch Training to improve your pitch accuracy, and try to sing along with the Vocal Pitch Monitor feature to monitor your progress.

Finally, to learn more about Yeter's style, consider reading the following articles from Singing Carrots: Pop/Jazz vs Classical singing, Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting, Vocal distortion & Growling, Chest Voice Explained, and Voice Break.

By using these tools and resources, you can learn to sing like Burak Yeter and develop your own unique vocal style!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.